How to test system program in hp ski simulator???
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sudhnesh adapawar
2006-11-21 13:17:39 UTC
Hey all !
I am a newbie and have following doubts regarding hp ski simulator....
I have ia32 archi and i cross-compiled the tools and installed ski properly !
1) Ski does not resolve shared library for applications.So do we have
to statically link each and every ia64 binaries ?
2) Can anyone tell me how to test system programs(ia64) in ski simulator ?
Useful link related will do !
Thank You!
Kindly reply....

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Peter Chubb
2006-11-22 22:01:20 UTC
sudhnesh> Hey all ! I am a newbie and have following doubts regarding
sudhnesh> hp ski simulator.... I have ia32 archi and i cross-compiled
sudhnesh> the tools and installed ski properly ! 1) Ski does not
sudhnesh> resolve shared library for applications.So do we have to
sudhnesh> statically link each and every ia64 binaries ?

Use an IA64 chroot, and things *should* work. Although I've been
seeing problems (illegal operation faults) in bskinc recently.

See http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au/IA64wiki/SkiSimulator for useful
stuff on Ski.
sudhnesh> 2) Can
sudhnesh> anyone tell me how to test system programs(ia64) in ski
sudhnesh> simulator ? Useful link related will do !

Your best bet is to run a complete emulated kernel and root file

Dr Peter Chubb http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au peterc AT gelato.unsw.edu.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au ERTOS within National ICT Australia

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